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Sex in autumn: a sexologist told how to keep libido

Sex in autumn: a sexologist told how to keep libido

Experts say that sexual activity and libido often weaken in autumn, and it is quite natural.

Sexual libido is influenced by many different factors among which are psychological and physical states, age, living conditions, the intake of drugs, social motivation, relations in a pair. Besides, libido is also influenced by the time of the day and season.

According to sexologist Margarita Stelmashova, the sexual cycle is different among the representatives of the stronger sex and ladies, and sexual activity is different in different seasons of the year.

In autumn, besides weather changes, there is the deficit of bright sun beams, the duration of the daylight hours change. Most people experience the symptoms of depression, apathy, tiredness and disturbance.

The representatives of the weaker sex feel it more acutely than men.                           

Any outside factors among which are seasonal occurrence and the time of the day – undoubtedly, influence sexual activity. Also the level of sex hormones in the body and the whole endocrine profile are important.

The cycles of the partners vary in power and duration. Besides, every person has his own individual peculiarities.

They say that women’s sexual activity depends upon menstruation. Additionally, sexual activity depends upon the age of ladies, the condition of hormonal health, in particular sex hormones, thyroid gland hormones and suprarenal gland hormones.

As for the representatives of the stronger sex, their sexual cycle longs for about 22 days and depends upon the level of the testosterone production. During the first phase of the cycle the level of testosterone is high, in the result the potency becomes more frequent.

When testosterone has its maximal quantity, the reduction in libido is observed. In this period men have a rest, and sexual desire decreases.

In the result of some investigations it became known that the peak of sexual activity of men occurred in May due to the level of the testosterone production. And the peak of sexual activity of women occurs in spring, and for men the favorable season is autumn.

The ways to keep sexual activity in autumn

To keep sexual desire, it is necessary to think of the psychoemotional state, relations between partners and physical health.

Take care of your food, hormonal health and control your chronic diseases.

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