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How the lack of sex affects men

How the lack of sex affects men

Many experts say that it is harmful for men to abstain from sex for a long time: they may get sick, weaken, and their testicles will shrink.

In fact, there is no single answer to this question: there are different men, there are different circumstances. The number of sexual partners changes with age, as, in fact, the need for intimacy itself. Some want a lot and often, others absolutely normally do without sex, although due to toxic masculinity men in this are usually not recognized.

In America, a study was conducted in which a total of 17,744 people participated. 15.2% of men and 26.7% of women admitted that they had not had an intimate relationship in the last year, while 8.7% of men and 17.5% of women said that they had not had sex for 5 years or more. And they were no less happy than their more active opponents.

It all depends on why a man does not have sex: whether it is his personal choice or the fault is in existing problems.

If you don't have sex

However, many studies show that regular sex can bring health benefits, in particular, increase the protective functions of the body, reduce blood pressure together with stress levels and the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. Not having sex for several months or even years will not bring any side effects to your health.

Of course, masturbation helps reduce stress levels, but you may also masturbate alone. There is an indirect link between ejaculation and prostate cancer. A study conducted in 2016 showed that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were less likely to develop prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated 4-7 times a month. However, this study used self-assessment data. It is difficult to say for sure whether people actually answered sincerely, because none of them were observed in the laboratory. However, the study conditions themselves have been repeatedly criticized.

Thus, there are no convincing studies that confirm that refusing to ejaculate is harmful to health.

Is there spermotoxicosis?

In other words, what happens to the sperm that does not leave the male body? Don't worry: it is either reabsorbed in the body, or the man will still "splash out" during sleep. Some believe that wet dreams are a typical phenomenon only for young guys, but in reality this is not the case.

In addition, ejaculation has no effect on sexual function, fertility, or desire.

A 2015 study showed that in men who ejaculated daily for two weeks, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate decreased insignificantly. But this did not lead to a drop in the number of spermatozoa below normal. In addition, frequent ejaculation had no effect on other indicators of sperm health, such as motility and morphology.

Can sperm run out?

No, of course not. The male body maintains an excess of sperm. Almost every second, about 1.5 thousand spermatozoa are produced. In total, there are several million a day - no one is able to throw out such a number in a day!

Spermatozoa are produced and developed over a 72-day cycle called spermatogenesis. The testicle is lined with a microtubule through which sperm pass as they mature. When they are fully mature, they are ready to be released into the sperm and ejaculate from the body. To replenish the supply of sperm after ejaculation, it will take about a couple of days. If a man ejaculates several times a day, the amount of fluid and sperm released after ejaculation becomes less and less with each subsequent ejaculation. In addition, the liquid becomes watery.

To sum up: spermotoxicosis does not exist, sperm will not hit a man in the head, and he will not become stupid from this. His genitals will not shrink, and he will not become impotent. Tell him so.
