Study: opponents of feminism tend to simulate orgasm

According to statistics, three out of four women have simulated an orgasm at least once in their lives. On the average girls pretend that they are satisfied every third time they are having sex.
Simulated orgasm happens for a variety of reasons. Some women couldn’t speak about their sex preferences at the beginning of relationship and after a while they feel embraced to push the issue. For some girls it’s easier to get orgasm from masturbation but not from sex with a partner.
In any case, whatever the reason, research shows that 80% of women have imitated an orgasm at least once in their life.
The study was conducted as part of a survey of 465 British women aged about 38 years old. Feminist views are also likely to influence orgasm. Feminists imitate much less often than women who have so-called "anti-feminist views."
If a woman thinks that she needs to have an orgasm in order for a man to feel like a male and be satisfied, then there is a possibility that she has never achieved a real orgasm in her life.
The experts agreed that one should not be shy about talking about the topic of sex and the problem of getting orgasm. This affects the relationship in a couple, as well as the general state of the psyche. Talk to your partner. If you cannot discuss this in a couple, then contact a sexologist.