Phrases that are not to be said to a man

Quarrels, conflicts, scandals, misunderstanding and just conversations on everyday topics ... Whatever happens between you, in no case tell your lover these 10 phrases that pose a danger to your relationship.
"Do you want to be an ex?"
This is not blackmail, but a good reason for a man to think about whether he really needs a relationship where he is threatened with a breakup. Perhaps he will ignore this phrase once or twice. However, sooner or later, the partner will pack his things and make your threat a reality. And it will be difficult to reproach him for this!
"My grandfather dresses better than you!"
Not every man is born with good taste and the ability to choose stylish clothes. However, the situation is easy to change. The main thing is to show a sincere desire to help your partner, and not to reproach him for lack of taste.
"You earn little!"
For a man, there is nothing worse than to realise that he cannot meet the expectations of his beloved. Despite the fact that many in couples partners have approximately the same income, most of men still strive to earn more than their women. And when a man does not succeed, and you focus on this, he feels awful.
"You can't even wash the dishes properly!"
it's commonly thought that women are better at cooking, cleaning and making the bed. We can say that in reality this is not always so. Even more, modern men cook as well as restaurant chefs and clean the house faster than cleaning services. So do not blame your partner for not coping with the dishes. Perhaps he just has not yet had time to reveal his potential.
"You have time for football, but not for me?"
Here you just need to understand and forgive. It is vital for him to go to football with friends, drink beer and sometimes return home in the morning. Of course, we are not talking about every male. However, if yours is one of those, do not blame him for this innocent hobby. And it's better to say bluntly that you want to spend next Friday night with him.
"My friend's husband bought her an expensive fur coat, and you..."
To begin with, not every man is capable of making expensive presents for his beloved. This does not mean that he is miserly. He just earns less or believes that this money can be disposed of differently. Whether this is true or not depends on the specific situation and relationship. However, in any case, comparing him to someone all the time is the shortest path to parting.
"Don't expect sex until you shave!"
Never manipulate sex. Modern men sincerely believe that women need intimacy just as much as they do. Therefore, you won't get pleasure too. And this is strange. Maybe you have someone on the side? Even worse is trying to change his appearance through intimate manipulation. Try walking in his shoes!
"Be a man!"
If you want your relationship to end instantly, just say this phrase once during a conflict. men react to this phrase just like bulls react on a red piece of cloth. After that, he will understand that you absolutely do not value or respect him. Therefore, there is no point in continuing such a relationship.
"It's better to spend the money on fitness than pizza"
Do you know what in most cases you can hear in response? "It's a story about you!" It's insulting for both of you. He truly believes that you love his inner world more than his biceps. Even if they once became the main reason for your acquaintance.
"I'll do it out without you!"
Of course you are able to handle any problem without him. However, for some reason, you still live together, make breakfasts, go to your parents on holidays and buy new curtains for the living room. You can handle any problem quite well without his advice. But don't act like a strong and independent woman. Such young ladies simply do not need a man next to them. Don't humiliate your partner. Any answer can be softened and made less offensive.