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What to do if you don't want sex?

What to do if you don't want sex?

Sex is definitely a pleasant process. However, sometimes there is no desire to do it at all. Why does it happen? And how to deal with it?


Frequent stressful situations kill the desire for sex. During such periods, a person completely focuses on problems and does not think of carnal pleasures. But it's better to do the opposite! Allow yourself to relax and have fun, and the desire will come.

Low self-esteem

Perhaps there is no person who would not try to find flaws in his appearance. People now and then find reasons for self-flagellation. It is even worse when these reasons are given to them by others. Such thoughts can destroy the personality. In such a situation, you don't want to live, not to mention having sex. Don't let yourself doubt about your appearance. Love yourself and your own body, have sex for your pleasure!

Problems in personal life

Anyone faces such difficulties. Each person has his own character, tastes and habits. People often argue without any reason. Quarels spoil sex because partners don't want to please each other.

What to do in such a situation? Replace conflicts with violent sex. Or, after a fight, calm down with tender and romantic intimacy. Everything depends on your emotions and personal preferences. But, anyway, it is not worth fighting for a long time - this will not do good.


Alcoholic drinks actually help relieve tension, but drunk people are repulsive. A person doesn't feel the reality and doesn't control his actions. As a result, sex turns into a set of mechanical movements.

Sleep deficit

Sleep is necessary for a person to fully rest and recuperate. If a person  does not get enough sleep on a regular basis, he will have only one desire, and it won't be related to sex.


Of course, kids are a lot of fun. When they appear, everything changes. Parents devote most of their attention to them, and forget about their own needs. The burden of responsibilities causes fatigue and irritability. You should not be too tough on yourself. Sometimes you can give your children to grandparents or send them to a camp.

Problems in bed

A man needs a minimum of effort to achieve orgasm. With women, the situation is somewhat more complicated. In order for a lady to reach the peak of pleasure, you have to be patient. Unfortunately, not every man is ready to show this patience. As a result, the woman loses the desire to have sex, because she will not get satisfaction anyway. A good sex needs affection, tenderness, kisses and hugs. If a man acts on the erogenous zones correctly, he can become an ideal lover. It is also important to add variety to your intimate life with the help of erotic massage, seductive outfits, sex toys, etc.
