All escorts in Abu Dhabi
/ Yangyang
A call girl Yangyang provides quality sex services
Abu Dhabi,
Abu Dhabi,
+971 56 164 37 69On duty
Please let me know that you found me through the website ;)
Age: 21
Height: 167
Weight: 54
Bust size: Medium
Nationality: Chinese
1 hour: 2700
2 hours: —
All night: —
Outcall: Yes
Height: 167
Weight: 54
Bust size: Medium
Nationality: Chinese
1 hour: 2700
2 hours: —
All night: —
Outcall: Yes
A perfect leisure in the company of a slender brunette. I am pretty hooker, a pro in my job. Just dial my number. I'll relax you pleasantly.
Time to call: 10:00 — 00:00
Time to call: 10:00 — 00:00

Last updated: 31.10.18
Ad number: 284414
My escort services: